
Budaya Asing VS Budaya Indonesia

Tuesday, July 31, 2012 0 comments
Kebudayaan sangat erat hubungannya dengan masyarakat. Kebudayaan adalah sesuatu yang akan mempengaruhi tingkat pengetahuan dan meliputi sistem ide atau gagasan yang terdapat dalam pikiran manusia, sehingga dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kebudayaan itu bersifat abstrak. Sedangkan perwujudan kebudayaan adalah benda-benda yang diciptakan oleh manusia sebagai makhluk yang berbudaya, berupa perilaku dan benda-benda yang bersifat nyata, misalnya pola-pola perilaku, bahasa, peralatan hidup, organisasi sosial, religi, seni, dan lain-lain, yang kesemuanya ditujukan untuk membantu manusia dalam melangsungkan kehidupan bermasyarakat.

Kebudayaan Barat sudah mendominanisasi segala aspek. Segala hal selalu mengacu kepada Barat. Peradaban Barat telah menguasai dunia. Banyak perubahan-perubahan peradaban yang terjadi di penjuru dunia ini. Kebudayan Barat hanya sebagai petaka buruk bagi Timur. Timur yang selalu berperadaban mulia, sedikit demi sedikit mulai mengikuti kebudayaan Barat.

Masuknya budaya Barat ke Indonesia disebabkan salah satunya karena adanya krisis globalisasi yang meracuni Indonesia. Pengaruh tersebut berjalan sangat cepat dan menyangkut berbagai bidang kehidupan. Tentu saja pengaruh tersebut akan menghasilkan dampak yang sangat luas pada sistem kebudayaan masyarakat. Begitu cepatnya pengaruh budaya asing tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya goncangan budaya(culture shock), yaitu suatu keadaan dimana masyarakat tidak mamapu menahan berbagai pengaruh kebudayaan yang datang dari luar sehingga terjadi ketidakseimbangan dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang bersangkutan. 

Adanya penyerapan unsur budaya luar yang di lakukan secara cepat dan tidak melalui suatu proses internalisasi yang mendalam dapat menyebabkan terjadinya ketimpangan antara wujud yang di tampilkan dan nilai-nilai yang menjadi landasannya atau yang biasa disebut ketimpangan budaya.

Secara timbal balik, tiap peradaban akan berpengaruh satu sama lain. Hukum sosial berlaku bagi semua peradaban. Peradaban yang maju, pada suatu masa, cenderung memiliki perngaruh yang luas bagi peradaban-peradaban lain yang berkembang belakangan.

Perkembangan terknologi, terutama masuknya kebudayaan asing (barat) tanpa disadari telah menghancurkan kebudayaan lokal. Minimnya pengetahuan menjadi pemicu alkulturasi kebudayaan yang melahirkan jenis kebudayaan baru. Masuknya kebudayaan tersebut tanpa disaring oleh masyarakat dan diterima secara mentah. Akibatnya kebudayaan asli masyarakat mengalami degradasi yang sangat luar biasa.

Budaya asing yang masuk keindonesia 
menyebabkan multi efek. Budaya Indonesia perlahan-lahan semakin punah. Berbagai iklan yang mengantarkan kita untuk hidup gaul dalam konteks modern dan tidak tradisional sehingga memunculkan banyaknya kepentingan para individu yang mengharuskan berada diatas kepentingan orang lain. Akibatnya terjadi sifat individualisme semakin berpeluang untuk menjadi budaya kesehariannya. Ini semua sebenarnya terhantui akan praktik budaya yang sifatnya hanya memuaskan kehidupan semata. 

Sebuah kebobrokan ketika bangsa Indonesia telah pudar dalam bingkai kenafsuan belaka berprilaku yang sebenarnya tidak mendapatkan manfaat sama sekali jika dipandang dari sudut keislaman. Artinya dizaman Edan sekarang ini manusia hidup dalam tingkat Hidonisme yang sangat tinggi berpikir dalam jangka pendek hanya mencari kepuasaan belaka dimana kepuasaan tersebut yang menyesatkan umat islam untuk berprilaku. Salah satu contoh Serdehana sesuai dengan kenyataan, Dari cara berpakaian banyak remaja- remaja kita yang berdandan seperti selebritis yang cenderung ke budaya Barat. 

Mereka menggunakan pakaian yang minim bahan yang memperlihatkan bagian tubuh yang seharusnya tidak kelihatan. Pada hal cara berpakaian tersebut jelas- jelas tidak sesuai dengan kebudayaan kita. Tak ketinggalan gaya rambut mereka dicat beraneka warna. Pendek kata orang lebih suka jika menjadi orang lain dengan cara menutupi identitasnya. Tidak banyak remaja yang mau melestarikan budaya bangsa dengan mengenakan pakaian yang sopan sesuai dengan kepribadian bangsa. Jika pengaruh di atas dibiarkan, apa jadinya Moral generasi bangsa kita, timbul tindakan anarkis antara golongan muda. dengan adanya budaya barat atau budaya asing di Indonesia, dapat membawa dampak bagi Indonesia. 

 Dampak masuknya budaya asing antara lain. terjadi perubahan kebudayaan, pembauran kebudayaan, modernisasi, keguncangan budaya, melemahnya nilai-nilai budaya bangsa. Dampak tersebut membawa pengaruh besar bagi Indonesia, baik dari segi postif, maupun negatif. Indonesia, masih terlalu lemah dalam menyaring budaya yang baik di ambil dengan yang tidak, “maka kita semua sebagai warga Indonesia wajib membanggakan apa saja yang sudah menjadi budaya kita sendiri”, jangan sampai melupakan budaya lama dengan sudah menemukan budaya baru.

Masuknya budaya asing ke suatu negara sebenarnya merupakan hal yang wajar, asalkan budaya tersebut sesuai dengan kepribadian bangsa namun kita harus tetap menjaga agar budaya kita tidak luntur. Langkah-langkah untuk mengantisipasinya adalah antara lain dengan cara, Menumbuhkan semangat nasionalisme yang tangguh, misal semangat mencintai produk dalam negeri, Menanamkan dan mengamalkan nilai- nilai Pancasila dengan sebaik- baiknya, Melaksanakan ajaran Agama dengan sebaik- baiknya dan Selektif terhadap pengaruh globalisasi di bidang politik, ideologi, ekonomi, sosial budaya bangsa. Sebagai identitas bangsa, budaya lokal harus terus dijaga keaslian maupun kepemilikannya agar tidak dapat diakui oleh negara lain. 

Walaupun demikian, tidak menutup kemungkinan budaya asing masuk asalkan sesuai dengan kepribadian negara karena suatu negara juga membutuhkan input-input dari negara lain yang akan berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan di negaranya.

sumber :

10 Tips Diet

PAKAR nutrisi Nancy Clark dari Majalah Runners World memberikan 10 tip penting bagi Anda dalam program penurunan berat badan.  Dengan panduan sederhana ini diharapkan kerja keras  Anda menguruskan badan mencapai hasil memuaskan.  Berikut tipsnya :

1. Untuk menurunkan 10 pon lemak tubuh dalam setahun, Anda harus mengurangi asupan 100 kalori per hari.  Mengurangi terlalu banyak kalori dari asupan yang direkomendasikan justru akan menurunkan kadar energi dan memicu rasa lapar.  Hal itu juga akan membuat Anda rentan untuk tergoda menyantap makanan berkalori tinggi.

2. Jangan pernah melupakan sarapan.  Makanlah dua jam setelah Anda bangun pagi.

3. Faktanya, Anda seharusnya lebih banyak makan pada saat sarapan.  Tukar atau alihkan sebagian jatah kalori Anda untuk makan malam dengan menumpuk lebih banyak asupan kalori pada saat makan pagi atau siang.

4.  Jangan biarkan diri Anda marasa lapar.  Makanlah setidaknya setiap empat jam.  Supaya jatah kalori untuk sehari penuh tetap terjaga, cobalah untuk membagi porsi makan. Bagi jatah makanan untuk memastikan Anda benar-benar mendapat bahan bakar sebelum dan setelah beraktivitas.  Sebagai contoh, makanlah sebagian jatah sarapan sebelum Anda berjalan kaki di pagi hari dan sisanya bari dihabiskan kemudian

5. Konsumsilah sedikitnya tiga jenis dari empat jenis/kategori makanan pada setiap kali Anda makan.  Empat jenis makanan tersebut adaalah  : 1. Roti, sereal, gandum, 2. buah dan sayuran, 3. susu rendah lemak dan kedelai, 4. daging rendah lemak, ikan dan kacang.  Karbohidrat seperti roti, sereal dan gandum merupakan fondasi  dari setiap makanan Anda, sedangkan protein sebagai pelengkapnya.            

6. Tentukan target penurunan lemak tubuh secara berkala.  Dengan begitu, Anda akan cenderung mencapai lagi berat ideal jika berat badan Anda turun terlalu cepat.

7.  Kalori dalam bentuk cairan dapat meningkatkan dan menyebabkan penambahan berat dengan cepat.  Kurangi kebiasaan mengonsumi minuman kalori tinggi seperti softdrink atau soda, minuman olahraga,  kopi atau alkohol.

8.  Mulailah untuk menyukai makanan alami seprti buah-buahan, sayuran, gandum utuh (whole grain).  Kurangi kebiasaan makanan olahan karena biasanya lebih rendah jumlah serat dan tidak mengenyangkan.

9.  Jika Anda tak bisa menolak makanan cepat saji (fast food), mintalah informasi mengenai kandungan nutrisi sebelum Anda membuat pilihan atau cek lebih dulu infonya melalui website restauran.  Hindari menu-menu dengan kata "fried", "crispy" atau special sauce yang dijamin akan mengandung kalori  tinggi.

10.  Ingatlah. Kalori yang terkandung dalam minuman olahraga, energy bar atau gel yang dikonsumsi selama berolahraga akan menambah asupan kalori meski Anda tetap bergerak.  Konsumsilah hanya ketika diperlukan.          

Sumber :

Apple vs Android


Apple's World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) kicked off today with the unveiling of iOS 6 for the iPhone and iPad. Apple is promising over 200 new features in the latest version of its mobile operating system, but only a few of them were highlighted in the keynote.

June is an exciting month for smartphone fanatics as Microsoft is expected to unveil the next generation of Windows Phone at an event next Wednesday, June 20 while Google is expected to reveal its plans for the next version of Android, codenamed "Jellybean."

While some of the features Apple announced today already exist on competing platforms, Apple is putting its own twist on these updates. For example, Siri, Apple's voice-activated virtual assistant, is even smarter now with support for sports, movies, and restaurants. Siri can also directly launch apps, but you still can't control these third-party apps with your voice.
Apple is also breaking up with Google Maps and launching its own Maps application with iOS 6. It includes local business information, Yelp integration, real-time traffic updates, and turn-by-turn navigation. Naturally, Apple has also added Siri integration to maps so you can ask questions along your journey such as, "Are we there yet?" or "Where's the next gas station?" Apple has also added a 3D/fly-over mode to its Maps application, which shows you detailed 3D models of buildings and landmarks. 

These updates certainly give Microsoft and Android something to chew on. While both competing platforms offer voice-command support, those features are crude in comparison to Siri's artificial intelligence and natural dictation. Microsoft's Bing Maps could definitely use a revamp in the next version of Windows Phone as its turn-by-turn directions feature is quite clunky (you must tap your phone at each turn).

We'll be revisiting this comparison later this month as Microsoft and Google roll out new versions of their respective mobile platforms. 
 sumber : pcworld

Manfaat game

Game identik dengan sesuatu yang buruk. Namun,hal ini ditentang oleh dr. Irzan Nurman yang mengatakan bahwa ngegame itu menyehatkan, bahkan tak jarang game dipakai untuk terapi pasien.

Dalam sesi talk show, dr. Irzan Nurman mengatakan bahwa jika kita bermain game 5 kali seminggu,asalkan tidak berlebihan,maka aktivitas itu akan membuat kita lebih sehat.

"Bila kita terpatok pada statement 'Game itu Negatif', maka kita tidak akan maju-maju," ujar Irzan. Dikatakan lebih lanjut oleh beliau bahwa sekolah-sekolah dasar di luar negeri sudah banyak yang memasukkan permainan dalam kurikulumnya karena memang game itu membawa banyak manfaat.

Berikut lebih lanjut 7 manfaat ngegame yang disampaikan oleh dr Irzan Nurmana dalam acara Indonesia Bermain:

1. Empati
Game bisa mengembangkan empati pada diri seseorang karena saat ngegaMe ia biasanya involve dengan karakter-karakter yang ada dalam game tersebut.

Game bisa mengubah mood seseorang dan bisa membantu melupakan traumatik pada pasien meskipun hal ini tidak permanen.

3. Cara belajar baru
Belajar tidak harus serius, dengan gamepun seseorang bisa mempelajari banyak hal. Ini pun didukung dengan banyaknya game yang melatih otak.

4.Manajemen penglihatan
Gamer dilaporkan tidak akan mengalami masalah penglihatan meski ia doyan nge-game, justru manajemen penglihatan mereka lebih bagus.

5. Resep untuk nyeri
Game bisa membantu seseorang yang sedang menderita nyeri karena saat ngegame fokus seseorang teralihkan di permainan yang sedang ia lakukan.

6. Berimajinasi lebih baik
Dikatakan oleh dr. Irzan, imajinasi seseorang akan lebih baik bila ia sering ngegame.

7. Koordinasi tangan dan mata
Gamer memiliki koordinasi tangan dan mata yang lebih baik karena ia sudah terlatih saat melakukan permainan.

Sesi talk show yang diisi oleh dr. Irzan Nurman adalah salah satu rangkain dalam acara Indonesia Bermain yang digelar di Sabuga, Bandung.
sumber :

Emulator PS 2

Monday, July 30, 2012 0 comments
Dari judulnya aja udah tahu kan ?
Yapzz, kali ini ane mau share PS2 emulator yang bernama PCSX2 0.9.8 .

Dari beberapa software emulator PS2 menurut ane PCSX2 0.9.8 ini adalah yang paling bagus, hehe
Bagi yang belum tahu, dengan PCSX2 0.9.8 ini kita bisa memainkan permainan PS2 menggunakan Komputer/Laptop.

Asalkan kita memiliki software ini, file game yang ingin dimainkan, serta spesifikasi PC memungkinkan dan yang tak boleh dilupakan Joystick tentunya, hehe
Maka kita tidak memerlukan Console PS2 lagi, tinggal main aja pake Komputer/Laptop.

Bagi yang mau, monggo ni gan di download :
Download via JumboFiles :

Minimum System Requirements :
  • Windows XP Service Pack 2/Windows Vista or Linux 32bit/64bit
  • CPU that supports SSE2 (Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 or faster)
  • GPU that supports Pixel Shader 2.0 (NVIDIA GeForce FX series or ATi Radeon R300 series or later)
  • 1 GB RAM
Recommended System Requirements :
  • Windows XP, Vista, 7 or Linux 32/64 bit
  • Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 2.5 GHz or faster CPU
  • GPU that supports DirectX 10 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX series or ATi Radeon HD 2000 series or later)
  • 2 GB RAM (3 GB or more if using Windows Vista or Windows 7)
Software Requirements :
  • DirectX9.0c
  • NetFramework 3.5 or NetFramework 3.5 SP1 (for Windows XP)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Redist 2008
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Redist 2010
  • Bagi yang belum punya software diatas bisa di download DISINI (buka : "Masalah yang sering terjadi dan cara mengatasinya")
 cara instalnya buka ini gan


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  1.  Download software PDFUnlocker disini
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Ternyata membuka file pdf yang dilindungi oleh password sangatlah mudah. File pdf yang terkunci biasanya berasal dari e-book - e-book versi trial ( masa percobaan ). E-book versi trial hanya diberikan dan dapat dibaca pada jangka waktu yang ditentukan. Pada e-book yang terkunci terdapat gambar kunci berwarna kuning yang ada di pojok kiri bawah file pdf yang dibuka. Pdf yang terkunci tidak dapat di copy-paste untuk dapat melakukan copy-paste dapat menggunakan software PDFUnlocker. Untuk membuka file pdf yang terkunci, ikuti langkah-langkahnya :

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Cara Instal Ulang Dengan flashdiks

install-windows-7-from-usbSelama ini saya telah mencoba mencari informasi bagaimana caranya menginstall Windows Xp melalui Flashdisk, dan akhirnya berhasil juga, walaupun prosesnya berjalan agak lambat dan kupikir ngga bakalan juga nih bisa menginstall lewat USB flashdisk, baru2 ini telah banyak artikel yang membahas tentang cara2 menginstall windows melalui USB flashdisk, dan saya pikir gak ada salahnya mencoba trik yang lain, siapa tau ada peningkatan dalam hal kecepatan penginstallannya.

Menginstall Windows melalui USB flashdisk ini ternyata banyak keuntungannya dibanding melalui CD atau DVD disk, Kita tidak perlu khawatir akan CD atau DVD yang ngga kebaca sama CD/DVD-ROM, CD atau DVD yang tergores, kadang menyulitkan dalam proses penginstallan windows, sedangkan melalui Flashdisk itu sendiri, hal yang demikian ngga lah perlu terjadi lagi.
Saya akan menunjukkan 2 cara ( secara manual dan otomatis ) menginstall windows 7 melalui USB FlashDisk

Sebelum kita mulai, perlu disiapkan adalah: Sekurangnya 1buah Flashdisk dengan kapasitan 4Gb ato lebih, soalnya Windows 7 setidaknya mengambil tempat sebesar 3Gb.

Cara Manual:
  1. Colokkan USB Flaskdisk anda. (masukin ke usb port yah, jgn ke tempat lain).
  2. Tekan Tombol WIN+R, ketik cmd dan klik OK.
  3. Ketik diskpart dan tekan ENTER.
  4. Ketik list disk, tekan ENTER dan pilihlah yang mana adalah USB flashdisk anda, hati2 jangan salah pilih nanti salah2 yg keformat adalah disk yang lain. jikalau anda punya hanya 1 harddisk makan USB flaskdisknya adalah disk1.
  5. Ketik select disk 1 dan tekan ENTER.
  6. Ketik clean dan tekan ENTER.
  7. Ketik create partition primary lalu tekan ENTER.
  8. Ketik select partition 1 dan tekan ENTER
  9. Ketik active dan tekan ENTER.
  10. Ketik format fs=fat32 dan tekan ENTER
  11. Ketik assign dan tekan ENTER
  12. Ketik exit dan tekan ENTER.
  13. Masukkan disk DVD windows 7  dan copy lah semua isi DVD tadi ke USB Flaskdisk anda.
  14. Booting komputer anda melalu USB Flashdisk, setting malalui bios komputer anda, pastikan boot nya melalui USB Flashdisk, apabila langkah2nya betul, maka proses instalasi windows seharusnya berjalan melalui USB Flashdisk.
 Cara Otomatis.
Cara otomatis tentunya merupakan pilihan saya, dan untuk itu sudah tersedia program yang namanya WinToFlash, program ini akan melalukan langkah2 seperti cara manual diatas, yang kita perlu lakukan hanyalah menjalankan programnya, pilih sumber windows 7 dan arah USB flashdisk.
  1. Unduh dulu program WinToFlash versi terbaru. (download link diakhir artikel)
  2. Ekstrak dan jalankan file WinToFlash.exe
  3. Klik tombol “Check” dan mulailah proses Windows setup transfer wizard.
  4. Klik “Next”
  5. Pilih lokasi file Windows 7 dan lokasi USB Flaskdisk anda. klik “Next”.
  6. Pilih “I Accepted the terms of the license agreement” dan klik “Continue”
  7. Klik OK untuk memulai memformat USB Flashdisk dan file2 windows 7 secara otomatis akan dimasukkan ke USB Flashdisk.
  8. Klik “Next” apabila selesai pengopian, dan bootinglah komputer anda melalui USB Flashdisk tadi. apabila langkah2nya betul, maka proses instalasi windows seharusnya berjalan melalui USB Flashdisk.
 By :

How to enjoy work

Seek out happiness. Don't wait for the interesting projects to come to you, they won't. If the CEO's new initiative gets your adrenalin pumping be clear on how you can contribute and volunteer. Put yourself in the fast lane if that's where you want to be.

Find the purpose. Who gains from the work you do? How are you improving people's lives? From the product your organisation is creating and the customers you are supporting, through to the team you are leading and developing, relish the impact you have. 

Stretch yourself. Pleasure alone does not make us happy, we also need challenge. This is why, surprising as it may seem, we are three times more likely to find happiness at work. Set yourself an ambitious goal that will push you to new levels.

Build the people around you. Get good at delegating in a way that builds their skills, they will love you for it and you'll be admired by others. It also means you can spend more time doing what you enjoy.

Praise people. It is infectious and will raise the mood of everyone around you. 

Appreciate the good things. Give as much attention to the positive – strengths, achievements and qualities as you do to the problems, challenges and mistakes.

Think back. "Experience is a good teacher but she sends mighty bills," said US writer Minna Antrim. Good, bad or indifferent we can always learn something. Write down everything you achieved at work last year, however small. Then reflect on what you learnt from the things that didn't go according to plan.

tick to your focus. Decide where you want your achievements to be, plan how you are going to make it happen with clear timings and get going.

By :

10 Unconventional Diet Tips: How to lose 50 pounds in three months

The following are 10 unconventional weight loss tips that worked for me. Between January 4, 2006 and March 31, 2006 I lost fifty pounds. These tips work well because almost every tip is focused around completing a small goal. In my opinion, to stay motivated and lose a significant amount of weight, you should complete many goals in a short period of time. The reason I call these tips unconventional is that I had not seen a majority of them before starting my diet.
I will start by recognizing the typical “calories in, calories out” schpeil. Yes, to lose weight you have to eat well and exercise. But there is much more to it than that, and I don’t want to spend time regurgitating ideas you’ve heard before. That brings me to the first point:

Buy a digital scale
This seems easy enough. I recommend that before starting a diet, buy a scale that is accurate to .2 (two-hundredths of a pound). I will explain why below. I also recommend either buying a scale that can record your daily weight, or manually logging your weight everyday. I bought a scale that was accurate to .2 and logged my weight at Sam’s Club for $22. It has been a great investment

Weigh yourself everyday
You’ll find that almost every other dieter will tell you to weigh yourself only once a week. I recommend the exact opposite. I am very goal oriented and I like to see results everyday. The reason I recommend buying a scale that is accurate to the .2 is that there is a very big difference between weighting 170.8 one day and 170.0 the next day. Losing .8 pounds in one day is excellent. However, if your scale is not accurate enough to report the loss and still shows 170 after a day of healthy eating and working out, you will feel extremely discouraged. A more detailed scale makes it easier to keep a positive outlook. The more successes (days with positive weight loss) the easier it is.

Drink 8 glasses of water everyday
This one is obvious and broadly recommended, however, the reason I recommend it is slightly different. Drinking eight glasses of water per day helps you “feel less hungry.” I can’t prove this scientifically, however, when I am at work, I drink 4 cups in the morning and 4 cups in the evening. On the days that I don’t drink the water, I feel hungrier, earlier. Also, on the days I don’t drink water I feel sleepier, sooner. Don’t feel intimidated by trying to drink 8 glasses of water. Try doing what I do: I have a pint glass I keep at work, it holds sixteen ounces (as all pint glasses do). All I do is drink two pints of water in the morning and two in the afternoon.

Make your diet public
Tell people you’re on a diet. There’s no reason to be ashamed to be on a diet. I found that trying to keep my diet a secret was harder than just telling people. In fact, telling your coworkers, girlfriend, family, etc. will increase your accountability. It motivated me knowing that my coworkers and family knew that I was dieting because I did not want to fail. I also chose a typical “fat picture” and put it on my fridge, in my cubicle, and on my wall. I wanted to have a continual reminder to lose the weight. I know it’s a cliche, but it was important for me to remind myself of my ultimate goal.

I feel I should also note that although I was 50 pounds over weight, when I told people I was on a diet they often said “you don’t need to diet.” I found this surprising because I was obviously overweight. Beware that you will likely hear similar comments. I found it easier to just accept the “compliment” than to try to justify my diet to them. Remember that you are on a diet for you, and that you do not need to justify yourself.

Don’t diet on the weekends
This is another unconventional bit of advice. I was able to lose 50 pounds without dieting on the weekends. I found myself tired, depressed, and unmotivated if I tried to continue my diet into the weekend. I felt that Friday and Saturday (my weekend) was a time to celebrate 5 days of dieting. You may not find this necessary, especially in the first few weeks of a diet. However, as many weeks passed, the weekend became a time for me to celebrate my weekly successes and get myself mentally prepared for another five days of dieting. I considered it a mental recharge.

Don’t sacrifice your life for your diet
On occasion, you will find yourself unable to eat healthy. Whether this is because of lunches with your team at work, birthdays, or special occasions, there will be events that you just can’t (or don’t want to) eat healthy. A diet will feel overwhelming if you have to sacrifice special events in your life. The way I combated this was to exchange a day that I was not going to diet on the weekend. In other words, if I didn’t diet on Tuesday, for example, I would diet on Saturday, instead.

Make the small changes
This is a pretty common tip, however, I have a twist to it. Rather than giving up what most diets say you should give up (soda, coffee, beer, caffeine, etc.) just make healthier decisions. I didn’t want to give anything up, so I decided to make some changes instead. The first switch I made was switching to diet soda. Don’t worry, you’ll quickly get used to the flavor. Before I started my diet, I swore I would never drink diet soda. Now thanks to my girlfriend, diet is the only soda I drink. The second switch I made was to drinking black coffee. Cut out the sugar and creme, and you get the benefits of coffee (caffeine) without the calories. The last major switch I made was to “healthy” beer. I’m a Miller Lite drinker, however, by temporarily switching to Beck’s Premier Light (60 calories per serving) I was able to still enjoy a healthy social life while maintaining my diet.

In addition to making the small changes in your diet, make the small changes in your life: park further away, walk to the end of the train platform and get in the last car, and vow not to take an elevator for an entire week. I also found it advantageous to wear a pedometer and try to compete against myself for how far I could walk in a single day. The furthest I walked in a day was 6.5 miles. I voluntarily walked to work twice a week.

Gain perspective by understanding the fractions
Your diet is an incredibly small fraction of your life. If you live for 80 years, and dieted for four months, that would only be .42% of your life. That’s right, if you diet for four months, it will be less than one half of one percent of your life. On the other hand think of the major benefits you can get from .42% of your life. If it helps you stay motivated, count down the days starting at 120.

Rationalize your workouts
Finding the time to get to the gym can be very difficult. However a 1/2 hour workout is only 2% of your day (assuming 24 hour days). For me, the most motivating thought was comparing my workouts to sitcoms. As a huge Everybody Loves Raymond fan, every time I would sit down to watch an episode, I would remind myself that in the 1/2 hour that I was sitting and doing nothing, I could complete my daily workout.

You’ve lost the weight, what now?

Have a red flag weight
Once you’ve lost the weight, you need to keep it off. This is where the red flag comes in. You need to pick a weight and vow to never get heavier than it again. It is normal for your body to fluctuate five to ten pounds. I recommend picking a weight that is ten pounds heavier than what you “normally” weigh and never weigh more than it again.  Setting a red flag weight allowed me to keep off every pound for over 1 year.
Lastly, for the curious out there…I followed the Weight Watchers diet. I did not pay for the diet, nor did I go to meetings. I found out all the information about the diet on-line. The first place to look is at their patent.
All well known diets are available via Google Patent Search.  For the several months that I was dieting, I also gave up red meat and made sure to drink a lot of milk.  The preceding tips worked perfectly for me and they will work for you, too. Prior to creating my own diet plan, I tried to diet several times and failed every time. I swear by these weight loss tips.  What do you think of them? Do you have a tip that didn’t make my list?  Let us know in the comments.  I will be glad to answer any questions or defend any point.

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History of Indonesia

The History of Indonesia was shaped by its geographic position, its natural resources, the series of human migrations, contacts, economy and trade, conquests and politics. Indonesia is an archipelagic country of 17,508 islands (6,000 inhabited) stretching along the equator in South East Asia. The country's strategic sea-lane position fostered inter-island and international trade; trade has since fundamentally shaped Indonesian history. The area of Indonesia is populated by peoples of various migrations, creating a diversity of cultures, ethnicities, and languages. The archipelago's landforms and climate significantly influenced agriculture and trade, and the formation of states.

Fossilised remains of Homo erectus and his tools, popularly known as the "Java Man", suggest the Indonesian archipelago was inhabited by at least 1.5 million years ago. Austronesian people, who form the majority of the modern population, are thought to have originally been from Taiwan and arrived in Indonesia around 2000 BCE. From the 7th century CE, the powerful Srivijaya naval kingdom flourished bringing Hindu and Buddhist influences with it. The agricultural Buddhist Sailendra and Hindu Mataram dynasties subsequently thrived and declined in inland Java. The last significant non-Muslim kingdom, the Hindu Majapahit kingdom, flourished from the late 13th century, and its influence stretched over much of Indonesia. The earliest evidence of Islamised populations in Indonesia dates to the 13th century in northern Sumatra; other Indonesian areas gradually adopted Islam which became the dominant religion in Java and Sumatra by the end of the 16th century. For the most part, Islam overlaid and mixed with existing cultural and religious influences.

Europeans arrived in Indonesia from the 16th century seeking to monopolise the sources of valuable nutmeg, cloves, and cubeb pepper in Maluku. In 1602 the Dutch established the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and became the dominant European power. Following bankruptcy, the VOC was formally dissolved in 1800, and the government of the Netherlands established the Dutch East Indies as a nationalised colony. By the early 20th century Dutch dominance extended to what was to become Indonesia's current boundaries. The Japanese invasion and subsequent occupation during WWII ended Dutch rule, and encouraged the previously suppressed Indonesian independence movement. Two days after the surrender of Japan in August 1945, nationalist leader, Sukarno, declared independence and was appointed president. The Netherlands tried to reestablish their rule, but a bitter armed and diplomatic struggle ended in December 1949, when in the face of international pressure, the Dutch formally recognised Indonesian independence.

An attempted coup in 1965 led to a violent army-led anti-communist purge in which over half a million people were killed. General Suharto politically outmanoeuvred President Sukarno, and was formally appointed president in March 1968. His New Order administration garnered the favour of the West whose investment in Indonesia was a major factor in the subsequent three decades of substantial economic growth. In the late 1990s, however, Indonesia was the country hardest hit by the East Asian Financial Crisis which led to popular protests and Suharto's resignation on 21 May 1998. The Reformasi era following Suharto's resignation, has led to a strengthening of democratic processes, including a regional autonomy program, the secession of East Timor, and the first direct presidential election in 2004. Political and economic instability, social unrest, corruption, natural disasters, and terrorism have slowed progress. Although relations among different religious and ethnic groups are largely harmonious, acute sectarian discontent and violence remain problems in some areas.

How Airplanes Work

Human flight has become a tired fact of modern life. At any given moment, roughly 5,000 airplanes crisscross the skies above the United States alone, amounting to an estimated 64 million commercial and private takeoffs every year [source: NATCA]. Consider the rest of the world's flight activity, and the grand total is incalculable.

It is easy to take the physics of flight for granted, as well as the ways in which we exploit them to achieve flight. We often glimpse a plane in the sky with no greater understanding of the principles involved than a caveman.
How do these heavy machines take to the air? To answer that question, we have to enter the world of fluid mechanics.

Physicists classify both liquids and gases as fluids, based on how they flow. Even though air, water and pancake syrup may seem like very different substances, they all conform to the same set of mathematical relationships. In fact, basic aerodynamic tests are sometimes performed underwater. To put it simply, a salmon essentially flies through the sea, and a pelican swims through the air.

The core of the matter is this: Even a clear sky isn't empty. Our atmosphere is a massive fluid layer, and the right application of physics makes it possible for humans to traverse it.
In this article, we'll walk through the basic principles of aviation and the various forces at work in any given flight.

how to steam generators work


Heat Exchange

  • Steam generators are used to harness energy liberated as heat in a wide variety of processes and convert it into a form which is more useful, such as mechanical and electrical energy. The heat used is typically produced intentionally for the production of electricity or is captured as a byproduct of some other industrial process. The immediate source of the heat is usually dirty, such as the radioactive fuel in a nuclear power plant, so the first step of steam power generation is to transfer that heat into clean water with a heat exchanger. This is done by having the heat source elevate the temperature of an exchange medium, such as an oil, that is circulated in a closed circuit. The oil in turn heats a water reservoir without contaminating it.

Steam Generation

  • The hot oil is circulated through a water bath to generate steam. There are several different geometrical schemes for doing this, but the principle remains the same. The heating liquid is diverted into many smaller pipes to increase its surface contact with the water and facilitate rapid heat exchange and steam production. The steam produced in modern nuclear and coal power plants is often at supercritical conditions, or above the critical point in water's phase diagram (374 degrees Celsius and 22 MPa).

Conversion of Heat to Electricity

  • Supercritical steam is overloaded with energy. Steam's energy is converted into mechanical energy by forcing it through a steam turbine. The high pressure of the steam pushes on the many angled blades of the turbine, causing the shaft to rotate. This mechanical energy is converted to electricity by using the power form the rotating shaft to turn an electrical generator. The turbine being built in the image may generate up to 65 megawatts of electricity.

how to diesel engines work

O­ne of the most popular HowStuffWorks articles is How Car Engines Work, which explains the basic principles behind internal combustion, discusses the four-stroke cycle and talks about all of the subsystems that help your car's engine to do its job. For a long time after we published that article, one of the most common questions asked (and one of the most frequent suggestions made in the suggestion box) was, "What is the difference between a gasoline and a diesel engine?"

Diesel's story actually begins with the invention of the gasoline engine. Nikolaus August Otto had invented and patented the gasoline engine by 1876. This invention used the four-stroke combustion principle, also known as the "Otto Cycle," and it's the basic premise for most car engines today. In its early stage, the gasoline engine wasn't very efficient, and other major methods of transportation such as the steam engine fared poorly as well. Only about 10 percent of the fuel used in these types of engines actually moved a vehicle. The rest of the fuel simply produced useless heat.

I­n 1878, Rudolf Diesel was attending the Polytechnic High School of Germany (the equivalent of an engineering college) when he learned about the low efficiency of gasoline and steam engines. This disturbing information inspired him to create an engine with a higher efficiency, and he devoted much of his time to developing a "Combustion Power Engine." By 1892 Diesel had obtained a patent for what we now call the diesel engine.
­If diesel engines are so efficient, why don't we use them more often? You might see the words "diesel engine" and think of big, hefty cargo trucks spewing out black, sooty smoke and creating a loud clattering noise. This negative image of diesel trucks and engines has made diesel less attractive to casual drivers in the United States -- although diesel is great for hauling large shipments over long distances, it hasn't been the best choice for everyday commuters. This is starting to change, however, as people are improving the diesel engine to make it cleaner and less noisy.

If you haven't already done so, you'll probably want to read How Car Engines Work first, to get a feel for the basics of internal combustion. But hurry back -- in this article, we unlock the secrets of the diesel engine and learn about some new advancements.

Foods That Cause Acne

Foods That Cause Acne. Acne is one of the most hated enemy by everyone, especially women. Acne is not including a dangerous disease. But its presence is very annoying, though acne is not harmful but should we treat and handle well.
Acne is caused by clogged pores due to overactive oil glands. Although many medical experts who denied any connection between acne with the food we eat, there's no harm in avoiding some foods that supposedly can trigger acne.

Here are some foods can cause acne:

1. Sugar and Chocolate
Chocolate may be one of the most food trigger acne. Archives of Dermatology published a study which explains that the food has a high Glycemic Index scale, usually in processed carbohydrates such as sugar can cause the appearance of acne due to increased hormone levels.

2. Milk
Some studies show a high milk intake may be associated with the appearance of acne. A Harvard study found that teens who drink milk more than two servings a day are more likely to suffer from severe acne. That is because the increase in growth hormone which causes the sebaceous glands in the skin become clogged.

3. Iodine
Iodine may be one factor in the appearance of acne, such as skin oil glands which can irritate skin that is prone to acne. Iodine can be found in fish and shellfish because sea water contains iodine. In addition other sources comes from iodized salt which is a component of several types of canned food.

4.Caffeine and Alcohol
Caffeine is considered to trigger the appearance of acne because it can affect hormone levels produced by the body. Some sources of caffeine are coffee, tea, soft drinks, and chocolate. In addition, alcohol also causes an increase in hormones, particularly testosterone can cause acne more often.

5. Food Allergy Triggers
Skin problems often arise due to food allergies, especially milk and eggs. Acne appears due to the immune system tries to fight the poison that is felt. An allergist has diagnosed and confirmed the relationship of food allergy with severe acne.

6. Fruit and Vegetable Characteristically Acid
Some fruits and vegetables that are acidic can cause the appearance of acne, such as carrots, cucumbers, oranges, and lettuce. The acidity of the body can cause the appearance of acne, because it should be avoided.

Those are some foods that can trigger the onset of Acne.

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